Thursday, December 18, 2008

Worry no more

Eliminating Worry
We all know that our job is to organize our life and work so we can minimize surprises and problems.AND we all know that that is not always possible.Worry is essentially the fear of fear itself.We get told don’t worry be happy and few of us are able to follow this.Here is an action plan that works really well and when followed is ultimately going to leave you with the confidence to face any other worries head on the next time it comes along.In a nutshell don’t worry get busy
Step 1 –Clarity is everything
Define the worry situation clearly in writing.Half of all problems can be solved by clearly defining them
Step 2-Assume the worst
Determine the worst possible outcome of the situation
Step 3-Be willing to have it so
Resolve the accept the worst that can happen.The first step in dealing with a negative situation is to be willing to have it so.Once you resolve the accept the worst,your mind will become calm and clear,and you will be able to take some constructive action.
Step 4-Take action
The final step is to immediately begin doing everything you possibly can to improve upon the worst.
Antidote to Worry
Worry is merely a form of fear caused by indecision.You don’t see the trees you see the whole forest.Following the steps above allows you to start seeing problem by problem and to start dealing with them one step at a time.The only antidote to worry is purposeful action.Get so busy doing something about your situation that you don’t have time to worry.As you take action,your confidence,courage and sense of control will return and wipe away your fears.
2 step Action Exercises
1-Make a list down one side of a page of all the situations causing you stress or worry at the moment
2-On the other side of the page,write out the worst possible thing that could happen as a result.You will be amazed to see much of your worry disappear with this exercise.

You don’t see the trees you see the whole forest.Following the steps above allows you to start seeing problem by problem and to start dealing with them one step at a time.

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